Creating Missional Habits

2025 is here. As always, time moves forward and life with all its complexities keeps on happening. Like many others, I often think about New Year’s resolutions, once January the 1st arrives. Sadly, like many others, my resolutions often don’t make it too far along!  Part of the failure comes from my tendency to talk... Continue Reading →

Let’s Stop Seasonal Serving

I love Christmas, the lights, family gatherings, decorations, music and gift giving. It's a time of year when people show compassion to the hurts and needs of others. We see it displayed in the days leading to Christmas by children taking gifts to the elderly in the nursing home, groups singing carols and delivering cookies... Continue Reading →

Why Are We Going?

The summer months are usually busy with activity as groups go on mission to share Christ.  In years past, mission trips were typically only taken during the summer when school was out.  But many more groups are exploring other times of the year for engaging in volunteer mission efforts, like fall break and Christmas vacation. ... Continue Reading →


I had the opportunity last week to spend several days in eastern Kentucky alongside disaster relief volunteers who were providing help, hope and healing following historic flooding in thirteen counties.  I saw families who had lost everything, literally everything except the clothes on their backs. Homes were washed down river, cars destroyed, personal possessions lost,... Continue Reading →

Sharing the Gospel in Hostile Times

Syrian refugee girls march at a United Nations refugee camp in Jordan. Oftentimes, the mission of God does not seem to match our conveniently constructed models. God calls us to love all people, which means taking the gospel to hard places, among hard people, and during difficult times. In Acts 8:26-40, we catch a glimpse... Continue Reading →

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