My extended family was visiting on a recent holiday weekend and we spent a great deal of time sitting around the house trying to decide what we were going to do. We talked about going to the movies, taking a hike in a nearby park, playing games around the dining room table, or going shopping... Continue Reading →
Ministry Involvement Doesn’t Always Equal Missions Engagement
A comment I hear often from church leaders is “we are really involved in missions”. As leader of the KBC’s Missions Mobilization Team, this is an exciting and encouraging phrase to hear. It is music to my ears, at least initially. I say initially, because as the discussion progresses, I sometimes discover that while the... Continue Reading →
Ask, Seek, Knock
I am a very visual person. I learn by seeing and doing more than reading and listening. It is just the way God made me. But when I read or listen, I have to visualize something that I’m reading that will allow me to fully understand. That’s one reason I love the parables Jesus taught.... Continue Reading →
Caring Enough to SEND Our Very Best
One of the most recognized and trusted advertising slogans in the world is “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”. This phrase is more than just a slogan for Hallmark, it was a business commitment for the distinctive card company. When Ed Goodman, a Hallmark sales and marketing executive, wrote the words on... Continue Reading →
Sometimes It Is Good to Push Pause
The other evening, we were home watching a movie and my wife needed to tell me something so I reached for the remote and pushed pause so I could give her my attention. If I had not, I would have continued to be distracted by the movie and missed something important I needed to hear.... Continue Reading →
Give a Gift They Won’t Return!
We have officially entered the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. There is shopping to do, cookies to bake, activities for the kids and presents to wrap. Giving someone the perfect gift can be a hard thing to do. Do I really know what they need, or more importantly what they would want? It’s... Continue Reading →
Why you should open your home this holiday season
The end of the year is often marked by an endless barrage of family gatherings, cookie swaps, white elephant gift exchanges, office parties and more. The holidays can be incredibly stressful for some individuals or families, and a time of profound sadness for others. However, the holiday season can be a welcome time of gospel... Continue Reading →
Where are You in the Mobilization Process?
You’ve more than likely heard or used the term, missions mobilization. But what does it mean? It has been defined as assisting local bodies of believers to identify, train, and send global workers out to fulfill the Great Commission. It is the primary goal for the team I serve on. We also describe it this... Continue Reading →
Pastoral Care for Sent-Ones
Shepherding Sent-Ones In terms of the local church sending missionaries, one of the most overlooked areas is missionary care. Providing missionaries with a touch point of Pastoral Care is critical for them to not only maintain a healthy relationship with the church, but also sustain a healthy relationship and share Christ well among the nations.... Continue Reading →
Adopt a Sent-One
Missionary Care Through Missional Communities Taking the gospel to the nations is not an easy task. As missionaries go out to proclaim the good news, they often become discouraged and consider quitting. Why? They feel as if they are entirely on their own, without the active support of sending brothers and sisters who can uphold,... Continue Reading →