Rise and Respond

Rise and Respond I was reading in Acts 9 about when the Lord confronted Saul on his journey to Damascus. It is such an awesome story of a call to salvation and a call to be on mission. In the story, the Lord confronted Saul with a bright light in a very supernatural moment. The... Continue Reading →


WHAT IS A READY CHURCH? Most churches and organizations fail to plan and prepare and tend to be more reactive rather than proactive to any type of crisis or disaster. Because of this, they often find themselves wondering what to do, how to do it and who to call for assistance. Very often churches have... Continue Reading →

You Make Me Smile…Thank You

Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention Do you have those people around you that just make you smile? There are various reasons why certain people make you smile, and those reasons can vary from person to person. Some people make you smile because of past experiences of fun and laughter. As you reminisce... Continue Reading →

I Can Help With That!

Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist ConventionHere we are in the middle of summer, and everyone is busy going here and there. Vacations are happening. Ball games are in full force. School is out, all the while preparations are being made for the return to school. Home repairs and upgrades are in full swing.... Continue Reading →

Bringing Help, Hope and Healing

Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention I am so grateful to our Kentucky Disaster Relief volunteers who are so eager and willing to respond to those who are suffering from disaster. It seems we have seen so many people that have been affected in some way and several even repeatedly. That is what... Continue Reading →

Are You Ready?

Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention I remember driving through our community one sunny afternoon and drove past the local fire station. I noticed that the overhead doors were open, and I was assuming at first that it was because it was such a beautiful day. But then something else caught my eye.... Continue Reading →

It’s Time to Take Notice

Ron Crow, KBC Disaster Relief Director I have a picture that my wife bought for me while we were in Israel a few years ago. It is a stunning picture of Jesus’ lower garment and His feet walking on the crowded dusty road. You also see a woman’s hand and finger as she is reaching... Continue Reading →

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