Jesus demonstrated to a broken world that “grace” is more powerful, more inviting, and more life-changing than fear, lectures, or judgement. God’s truth is embraced when we understand that God is good and desires to give us life.
Our Christian faith teaches that Jesus fully satisfied God’s wrath and judgement on the cross, and assures everlasting life to all who follow Him through the resurrection. God offers us forgiveness, acceptance, love, and life through the life-changing grace of Christ.
The Bible shouts to the world the best news ever, “God in His deep love for us has poured out His grace that we might know Him and have life in Him.” It truly is “Amazing Grace.”
Understanding the depth of God’s grace has three powerful, life-changing results in our life:
- It overwhelms you with gratitude.
- It captures your heart and awakens deep trust in the God who has poured out His grace on you. When grace captures your heart, you embrace God’s biblical truth because you realize God desires the best for us and that His way is the best way.
- It motivates you to overflow with grace to others.
In 2 Timothy 2:1, the Apostle Paul exhorted young Timothy to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Paul is reminding this young Christian leader that as Believers we started in grace, stand in grace, and are strengthened in grace. God calls us who have been given such grace to be strong in grace, to be empowered in grace, and to be a witness in a broken world by overflowing with grace.
Mercy ministries give us an opportunity to demonstrate the life-changing grace of Christ to a broken world. In times of disaster, Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers illustrate the grace of Christ by offering unmerited help and kindness to those devastated by the ravaging loss of a disaster event.
God calls His followers to wade into the muck and to be His agents of grace. Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief extends the grace of Christ by sharing a hot meal to the hungry, cutting a tree off the home of a widow, bringing clean water to a village, cleaning out the flooded home of our neighbor, or praying with one overwhelmed and broken by loss.
Time and again those whom we minister ask disaster relief volunteers;
“Why would you come and help me?”
“Why would you travel so far, sleep on cots, help someone that you have never met, and do it all at no cost?”
I am thankful that we can share with them that it is all because of the grace of Christ. We offer grace because God has poured out His grace on us. And as we demonstrate that grace it opens doors to share the best news ever that God in His deep love offers that life-changing grace to all who will receive it.
Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief demonstrating the strength of Christ’s grace as they offer help, healing and hope!

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