They were Called to Go – and Went!

I was reminded this week about Abraham who was called to go out to a new land.  Although he didn’t know what would happen, Abraham showed great faith by obeying and going (Hebrews 11:8).  Think about the practical application of this verse.  It doesn’t appear that Abraham hesitated or argued with God.  When he was called – he went!  I believe that God still calls many to go, but few respond with the faith and obedience that Abraham did.  The scripture calls those who don’t respond to God’s call – hearers of the Word only, and not doers (James 1:22).

Kelsey, Daniel & Sarah

I helped a modern day Abraham and his wife move last weekend. Daniel and Sarah were called by God to go to a new place, not knowing exactly what to expect. They only know that God called and they are going to be obedient and faithful to Him.  Daniel and Sarah moved from their nice, modern, safe, clean and comfortable apartment to a barn apartment in a neighborhood of poverty where they will live on mission for Him.

It’s unclear exactly what God has planned, maybe after school activities for the many children they saw getting off the school bus.  Perhaps it will be a community group meeting in their home to study God’s word.  Maybe special events, community activities or a new Hispanic church in the barn.  One thing is certain, Daniel and Sarah will be Christian neighbors who have chosen to live out their faith in a community that is watching and curious.

I’m excited about the opportunities that God will place before Daniel and Sarah to shine as lights in a dark world.  But I’m saddened by the many others who have refused to obey the call of God in their lives. Those who hear and don’t go are losing wonderful opportunities for sharing the love and witness of Christ to a world that is searching for an authentic witness. The call may be to the other side of the world, down the block or across town.  The only thing that matters is our obedience to the call.  Many excuses are given for not going, but few are those who respond, yes Lord.    

It’s interesting to note the concluding comment to Abraham’s life in Genesis 24:1, Abraham was now old, getting on in years, and the Lord had blessed him in everything.”  Only God knows the rest of Daniel & Sarah’s story.  But I believe He is smiling and will bless them because of their obedience.  Will you covenant with me to pray for them as they go – not knowing what God has in store for them or their new neighbors?   

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