Today is my first day back in the office following a much needed vacation. After a week of relaxing in the warm sunshine and enjoying the beautiful sites of God’s creation, I kinda dreaded coming back to the many emails, voice messages, and the catch-up work that would need to be done. I did not even think about the phone calls that would start coming in at 8:00 AM.
I found today, however, to be full of nice surprises. One missionary called to share about a new ministry position she had just received, another called to say she had spoken at a Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer event, led a Bible study at a women’s retreat, attended an open house for a new ministry, and had met a new prospective missionary.
As I opened emails I learned of 2 new missionaries that had been approved by the North American Mission Board while I was gone, project posts that had been updated on the website, a second prospective missionary, displays at a mission fair, annual associational meetings, encouraging phone calls, visits, and emails to missionaries, new projects to be posted, and much, much more.
Ken Richardson, pastor at Oakland Avenue Baptist Church in Covington, called to report that a team from Main Street Baptist in Alexandria had come and put a new roof on their building. He also shared that earlier this summer a team from Somerset First Baptist had come to lead an outreach event and 19 decisions for Christ were made, with 14 of those being baptized. This team will be coming back sometime in November for another event.
In my last phone call of the work day I learned from another missionary of a new quilting ministry being started as an outreach to ladies in their community.
What a great way to return from vacation. Such exciting stories. Oh, all was not quite so positive. I did have one lady share about a team that had promised to come lay tile in their church fellowship hall but did show or bother to call. But, other than that, this has been a very good “welcome back from vacation” day.
During this month of Thanksgiving I thank God for calling and allowing me to serve with the KBC in mobilization.
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