The Kentucky Baptist Convention was created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach KY and the world for Christ. Everything we do as KBC staff is for the purpose of helping the local church carry out the mission of God to make disciples of all nations. We are excited to introduce to KY Baptists in 2025 a new mission partnership opportunity. As we work closely with the International Mission Board, we have the opportunity to come alongside of the team serving in Kenya and help with their work. Our aim is not to create more work for them or insist on what we will do in Kenya, but to assist them in the task God has given them in Kenya.
If your church or association is prayerfully considering a new international mission partnership in 2025, let me encourage you to prayerfully consider Kenya. The opportunities are many for your church to be involved. Let me name just a few ways your church can walk alongside of our missionaries in this great country:
-Orphan Care
-Theological Education
-Mercy Ministry
-Medical Care
On Thursday, May 8 we will host at the Kentucky Baptist Convention building Destination Kenya. This is a one day event to learn more about our newest partnership and meet some of the missionaries serving in Kenya. If you are interested in learning more about Kenya, join us on May 8. You can register here: https://kbcmmt.regfox.com/destination-kenya.
In addition, our first vision trip to Kenya will be September 4-13, 2025. This vision trip will involve meeting several of our IMB missionaries and experience some of the work they are doing in this country. Our sign up for Kenay vision will open on March 8. You can learn more about our vision to Kenya here: https://kbcmmt.regfox.com/2025-vision-tour-kenya.
The Great Commission is the mission of every church. The KBC exists to help the church fulfill the mission of God. We are eager to help your church connect across the world for the sake of gospel impact. We pray you will consider Kenya as your next partnership.
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